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How to prepare a job interview for a Document Control position

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This video gives you a list of key steps and tips to prepare a job interview for a Document Control position (for example for a Document Controller interview).


Preparing for a job interview can be a daunting task . We can even say it’s nerve racking sometimes J. This video will show you how you can transform this opportunity into a fantastic success. With series of tips to prepare in advance, to make great first impressions and to answer difficult questions.


This video is part of a series called "Document Control Tip of the Month" presented by Consepsys, the World Leaders in Document Control www.consepsys.com


Who is Consepsys: https://www.consepsys.com/about-us/why-choose-consepsys/



Links mentioned in the video:


A.      Consepsys courses & certification programme: https://www.consepsys.com/training-courses/



B.      Other useful videos:


1.       What makes a good or a bad CV https://youtu.be/SyXmqES_KC8

2.       The Document Control Elevator Pitch https://youtu.be/wCjbwiFpbZk

3.       What is Document Control https://youtu.be/MS62rVBfma4

4.       How to improve your presentation skills https://youtu.be/HN2-lQwCe_Y



C.      Salary Survey for Document Control Professionals: https://www.consepsys.com/publications/salary-survey/  


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