
Career · 29. May 2023
Getting trained and certified by Consepsys: What is the return on investment?
What are the benefits and the return on investment of getting trained and certified by Consepsys?
Career · 29. May 2023
How to ask your employer to fund your training [Templates and Tips included]
Getting trained and certified benefits both you and your company; it’s a win-win situation: You gain knowledge and recognition while becoming a more skilled and productive employee. So it’s fair to ask your employer if they would pay for your training, education or certification, as it will also bring value to the organisation. But, for many, this conversation might feel uncomfortable. That’s why we have listed 10 tips to help you approach this conversation confidently.
Career · 12. April 2023
Avoiding Process Blindness
The majority of professionals suffers from the fact that their interfaces do not understand how much work goes behind tasks, and the processes that professionals must go through. A typical example is that many users expect their documents to be distributed within five minutes of having sent it to the Document Controller. Users who behave like that exhibit a condition that we will call “Process Blindness” for the purpose of this article.
Career · 12. April 2023
Understanding How To Interact With Your Work Interfaces – Personality Types
In the workplace, it can be difficult to deal with the various personalities that we face on a day-to-day basis. Naturally, each of us finds affinities with certain people, aversion towards some people and neutrality towards the rest. Most people get along just fine with most other people in the work environment. Most people, but not all people. It can be very interesting to actually understand our own personality, that of other people, and the reasons why there is an affinity or a dislike.
Career · 05. November 2021
How to be more credible in meetings
Meetings are an interesting moment in the workplace because not only they can be a great forum to share progress, accomplishments, issues and concerns, but they are also a place where you can shine and build a strong professional image. Or on the contrary, if it is not handled properly, your credibility can go down quite quickly. So what to do to be more credible in meetings?
Career · 05. November 2021
Gift to self: End of year career review
The end of the year is a natural time for reflection: what have I accomplished this year? What am I most proud of? What are my goals for next year? Too often, we tend to jump from one year to another without really taking the time to take a step back and reflect. So why not make a special gift to yourself in the end of year period and offer yourself a career self-review?
Career · 05. November 2021
New to Document Control? A way forward
The Document Control profession attracts newcomers every year, and there’s no wonder why: it’s a really interesting position, at the heart of efficiency, quality, traceability. It is also really varied as you can work in many different industries, projects, environments, and locations: there are Document Control professionals in all countries. However, it is a profession that cannot be improvised, especially as there are rules to be followed, reasons for these rules, and values to be protect
Career · 05. November 2021
How to improve your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn has become a centrepiece in career development especially when looking for new opportunities. However, it is important to make sure your profile is neat and inviting, especially as most employers will review it before inviting you to an interview. Here are a few tips to improve your online presence.
Career · 06. August 2021
How to become a Manager? The career fast-track
Becoming a manager and being successful in that position might be possible sooner than you think. There are tips that you should know to fast track your career towards management.
Career · 12. July 2021
Bouncing back with the world economy - Tips to stand out on the job market
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the world economy has suffered a lot. Many activity sectors have been dormant and, this has resulted in job losses. However, it appears that the second quarter of 2021 marks a change of trend in the economy: an increasing number of activity sectors are back in action, and this creates an economic dynamic that may be favourable to Document Control professionals. No one can say if it is a long-term trend, but it is visible enough to be noticed.

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